It still
amazes me every time I get calls like this.
“I saw an ad for a finance manager at ABC Motors and they’re promising
100K plus per year”. Or one like this “I
know you’re sick of other salesman stealing your deals on your day off, but I
just implemented a policy that takes care of that.” They are all promising me the same thing;
lots of money and that they will have my back.
Really? Let me see I worked in
the car business for almost 18 years and they always tell you the same thing,
the line has never changed. “Come work
for us and you’ll be rich!” Yet every
time the same things have happened. You
can trust NO ONE in the car business from your fellow salesman, your managers
all the way up the chain to the owner/dealer.
Sure I made good money doing it yet on the ONLY day you really get off,
Sunday you were so mentally and emotionally spent that you never had time to
enjoy the fruits of your labor. Then
there are the quotas. Miss your quota
more than one month and you’re fired. It
doesn’t matter if the economy is in a depression; it doesn’t matter if you didn’t
happen to have what that customer was looking for your toast. But if you kiss butt you can always get
promoted to a position you never earned, that much is guaranteed. The problem with me always was and is that I
will kiss no mans butt to get ahead.
What people
who are still living in the world system it doesn’t make sense to them that I
would turn down such offers/money. They
don’t understand that we are in the last days of this age and you can’t take
that money with you. Yes a person needs
to work and provide for his or her family but what do you sacrifice in the
process? For me the car business meant
drinking your problems away after work with the boys and bitching about the
owners and managers. So some of my hard
earned money ended up giving me a severe hangover. It also choked out the word of God. I never had time or the energy to seek Him
and His will for my life when I was in the car business. Once again those who are from my old life don’t
understand this part of the business. I
eventually backslid for years because I didn’t take the time for God and His
word, family, friends nothing! It was
all about making that next car deal and keeping the managers and the owner off
your ass. I have been told in no
uncertain terms via the Holy Spirit to stay away from the temptation of my old
life which includes the car business. It
will choke out the word and I will have failed in my duty as a watchman. Then on judgment day what will I say to
Yahovah? Will I have a good answer for
Him as to why I didn’t pick up my cross and follow Him? No I wouldn’t.
In these
last days of this age we must rely upon Jesus in faith more than ever before or
be misled by the temptations of this world!
There is so much pressure today to own the best car, the biggest TV,
make appearances to social functions that mean nothing but you need to be “seen”
in order to feel important or to make connections. None of this will mean anything when this economy
collapses this fall and WW3 breaks out by the end of the year. What good will all that money does for you
when the dollar collapses and your 401K or IRA gets seized by the Fed to cover
our debts? What good will all that gold
and silver do for you when you have nothing to buy with it because the grocery
stores are empty?
We are
seeing record setting temperatures and a drought the likes that hasn’t been
seen since the dust bowl days. This
means food prices will skyrocket in the near future. As the dollar gets weaker and weaker expect
oil and gas prices to climb as well.
This has all been engineered by the Illuminati for years and their plans
are on the edge of becoming reality.
They want a new world order that forces you to depend on them and
billions will worship this BEAST system because it will be the only way they
can survive. They will gladly accept the
mark of the beast in order to survive.
They will kick you out of your homes (paid for or not) and force you to
relocate to “human zones” and you’ll live like sardines in 3-400 square foot living
units. This is one reason I got off the
unemployment line because they force you to take classes, to apply for jobs you’re
not qualified for, etc. I’m not
criticizing those who take it if they really need it but we have forgotten how
to be self reliant. Local cities and
townships are also outlawing home gardening (google it) to make it harder on
people to live off the grid.
All the
things Jesus Christ warned us about in Matthew 24 are coming to pass. Read that chapter as I’m not going to reprint
it here. After you read it look around
you and read the headlines from around the world. Then try to tell me we’re not in the last
days. There will be no secret
rapture. It was never taught in the US
churches until after John Darby brought it over from England after 1830. Martin
Luther never taught it, none of the pastors during the American Revolution
taught it, etc. It was NEVER TAUGHT by
Jesus Himself either! Don’t you think if
that was going to happen He Himself would have taught us about it? It would have been in Matthew 24 yet it is
not there. When He comes back it will be
final, second chances won’t be given!
Here is a reprint of the word I received from the Holy Spirit back on
June 13th.
Time is so short my people!
Don’t you think that I will fulfill my words that I have written? Don’t you know that by my words I created the
heavens and the earth? Don’t you know
that what was written by the prophets of the old have already come true and
will continue to do so? Why do you still
scoff and mock me? Why do you turn your
heads when my servants come unto thee?
Why do you not believe my prophets of this day and turn from your sin
before it’s too late? The window of time
and salvation is closing! Don’t you hear
my call? The trumpets are sounding and
this world is crumbling and will soon descend into chaos! The economies created by your money masters
will fall to nothing and your money is worthless? Your silver and gold won’t sustain you in the
great tribulation! Your wealth will be
made to mean NOTHING! Can you nourish
your body with worldly wealth? Can you
nourish your spirit with worldly wealth?
No you cannot! You cannot eat
your gold, silver and worthless paper money!
You cannot sustain yourselves without drinkable water? Why are you continuing to destroy that which
I have given you? Why don’t you use my
words and the power of prayer to sustain you and to lift others up? Why have you forsaken me your Messiah, your
deliverer? Don’t you know that Lucifer
is out now prowling like a lion seeking whom he may devour? Don’t you know that your governments are
corrupt and rotten to the core? They
kill at Satan’s direction! They think
that they are wise and that they will rule with the coming power of Satan and
his false prophets. Yes there is one
coming that is greater than the rest that you have seen. He will rule the whole world and will deceive
all that El Yahovah sends a delusion to; even the elect if that were
possible. You will burn with fire and
smoke, fire brought down from the heavens and the weapons you evil people have
designed. You who are so wise in your
ways what will you do when the Son of Man, the Messiah returns? All knees shall bow and all tongues will
confess that I, Yeshua am King of Kings and Lord of Lords! And many shall weep and knish their teeth
when they see me coming because they will have been convicted of their
sins! Listen to my watchmen who blow the
trumpets! Time is very short! I already told you that you would not know
the day or the hour but you were COMMANDED to know when it was near, even at
the door. Your preachers and teachers
have failed you! They have tickled your
ears with false doctrines of devils.
They have told you to feel good, to be as gods yourselves. When and where is it that I taught you this
in my words? IT IS NOT THERE! Stop being deceived and turn your backs to
those who preach and teach evil. Open up
your bibles and start listening to the comforter, the Holy Spirit which I sent
to you! Turn back now or end up in the
everlasting fire. This is one of your
final warnings that I give to you through my servant John. He has been set aside to give you this
message. Listen to me before the windows
of time are closed and your fates are sealed.
I the Lord Yahovah El have spoken!
Let all of it sink in.
I am NOT here to debate doctrines or theology. I am here to give a specific message and
called to be a watchman. Those who try
to debate me on FB or other boards and get nasty about it will be deleted and
blocked. Sorry but I don’t have time to
waste in endless useless debate. Neither
does Jesus Christ. He’s coming and
faster than we all think. Are you