Monday, August 8, 2011

How's that "Change we can Believe In" working for ya?

Change we can believe in.  What a joke.  Yet the American Sheeple fell for it hook, line and sinker.  I remember all of the crying, wailing and drama the night Comrade Obama was elected.  Finally a black man in the white house.  Finally justice for all the oppressed minorities.  Finally justice for all those years of slavery the black man suffered under.  Yes comrade, America would finally have change.  Obama was going to fix everything from health care, climate change, the economy and he would finally take the guns away from those crazy hunters in the Midwest.  Those people as he said "cling to their guns and bibles". 

Here we are in August 2011.  What's changed?  Well we just had our credit downgraded from AAA to AA, in spite of Obama and his cronies saying it would never happen.  We just needed to raise the debt ceiling and everything would be fine.  If you believed that then I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Williston ND.  What else has changed?  The ATF is illegally running guns into Mexico and Honduras in an attempt to take away our 2nd amendment rights.  You see the program "fast and furious" wasn't designed to stop guns or trace guns flowing into drug cartel hands.  It was designed so that Obama and the ATF could take our guns away by saying that our 2nd amendment was the reason that the cartels in Mexico are killing people.  Without the easy access to guns in our sporting goods stores, those bad people in the multi billion dollar drug cartels wouldn't be able to get guns.  It takes a serious moron to believe that one.  The gun shop owners were SCREAMING to high heaven that these gun buyers were illegal only to have the ATF tell them to let the guns walk.  The gun shops were TRYING TO OBEY THE LAW, only to have the law enforcers tell them to break the law.  A multi billion dollar organization doesn't need our gun shops to purchase guns.  They get the ILLEGAL FULLY AUTOMATIC ONES on the black market.  They can buy them in bulk for about 50.00 per gun overseas vs paying 399.00 for a legal SEMI automatic gun in a shop.  What a joke.  We don't need more gun controls, we just need a President who believes in enforcing the laws we have, not break them. 

The lists of "change" continue with new carbon taxes, a new rural council (have fun with that one rural America, Obama and his goons will be visiting you soon.  They will be telling you how to run your farms, gardens and businesses.)  All of this adds up to one thing.  Obama is and always has been a socialist/borderline communist.  He and his goons want total control of every aspect of our lives.  Some are predicting that when our economy completely collapses within the next year, Obama will declare martial law and suspend the constitution.  I think that's precisely what will happen and we will be forced to fend for ourselves.  The government is broke (primarily due to our wars overseas) and won't be able to help any of us.  They will however use the military to crush the rioting in the big cities.  Its going to look like communist China and other third world countries.  As for me and mine, we are stocking up on the essentials, enough to last a year without anyone's help.  We will of course have to defend our supplies which we will. 

 Oh, by the way what happened to Obama's promises to end the wars overseas?  He's increased the amount of troops in Afghanistan (it wont help) and has already stated we're in Iraq for good.  The troops I have talked to say that we have NO NEED to be there any longer, in either country.  Any good we've done has been done.  Its time for our brave men and women to come home.  I am one of them having served myself for 5 years. 

So for all of you who voted for comrade Obama, how's that change working for ya?

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