Saturday, October 1, 2011

You Know We're in Trouble When

You know we’re in trouble when a NYC Russian cab driver, who legally emigrated here 25 years ago, says the tyranny he escaped from in the former USSR is happening here and now in the USA.  What’s worse he said is the fact that the mass media keeps telling us we’re free while at the same time another street spy camera gets turned on and another innocent American's email gets read.  Of course that’s for our own safety right?  I mean gosh, if you’ve got nothing to hide then why be worried right?  When the Department of Homeland Security tells us in Public Service Announcements to spy on our neighbors, that’s just being a good American right?  WRONG!  That’s not the America I was raised in back in the mid 70’s, but that was before the FBI had Echelon  (super computers secretly recording everything we say and do on cell phones and emails) and before the CIA had “minders” stationed at every major news outlet in the country.  They tell the talking heads like Bill O'Reilly and others what their topics will be and what they won’t be.  Good Lord what has happened to my country, the land of the free and the home of the brave?  What’s happened to the country I served for 5 years in the US Air Force?  It’s quickly disappearing before our eyes.  Our constitution is being shredded at every opportunity, especially after 9-11-2001 when the Patriot Act was forced upon us.  Have you ever read what that bill actually says?  Not many have and even I have to admit I’ve only read parts of it.  Those small parts are scary enough, yet in October 2001 it was shoved through congress and the senate after the bogus anthrax attacks occurred a month after 9-11.  We needed protection even if it meant sacrificing the 4th amendment regarding unwarranted searches and seizures.  Just trade a little freedom away and big brother government will keep the boogey men from attacking us again.  What a joke and what a mess we’re in now.

The war on terror was a joke to begin with and is even more laughable now.  The chances of us actually being killed in a terror attack are about the same as being struck by lightning.  In fact the lightning stands a better chance than the terrorist.  My point is that this Russian cab driver is right, we are turning more and more into a socialist/communist state every day.  Remember when it was the “evil empire” the former Soviet Union who was attacking other countries like Afghanistan to install communist friendly governments?  Now what are we doing?  The same thing, that’s what.   We armed and trained thousands of Muslim jihadists to fight the “evil Soviet empire” which in turn created the Taliban and Al Qaida, the same folks we’re fighting now.  Now that those wars are winding down the US government is saying that the new threat is the white middle class American.  You know him or her; they live down the street from you in Suburbia.  Oh they may look normal, but big sis is telling you that you need to keep an eye on them because they just lost their jobs and maybe their home and are looking to get even with the honest bankers who caused it all.  WTF?  This is the new America folks.  The more power the Federal government gets the more they want to take.   The worst part of the whole thing is we’re letting them do it piece by piece.  Well some of us are waking up.  In fact a lot of us are waking up and starting to tell Washington DC ENOUGH ALREADY!  The internet revolution has begun and we’re not giving them another inch let alone a mile. 

Of course there will be many of you reading this article who say “oh Johnny you can’t say that or they’ll be coming for you next” and you will cower under your desks.  You’ll be afraid to say what’s really on your mind just as the Russian NYC cab driver was before he escaped the former Soviet Union and the KGB.  Really?  What happened to the 1st Amendment covering free speech?  I’m NOT saying we need to overthrow the current government by force, that won’t work.  In fact that would just serve their purpose so then they’d have an excuse to impose martial law.  What I am saying is that we need to stand up for ourselves and not be bullied by these assholes any longer.  We need to do that by voting them all out, ALL OF THEM!  We need to start listening to candidates like Ron Paul who warned us back in 2002 that the Federal Reserve’s policies of easy credit would lead to a housing bubble which burst in 2007.  It was also Ron Paul (and the CIA )who said there was NO EVIDENCE that Sadaam Hussein had WMD’s in 2003 and NO connection to Bin Laden (they actually hated each other) yet we went to war anyway.  We need a political and foreign policy revolution in this country in order to bring us back from the brink of tyranny.  I’m not going to devote this article exclusively to Ron Paul’s campaign, but rather to his ideas of LIMITED Federal government which is why we have a constitution in the first place!  The Feds have OVERSTEPPED their bounds and need to be snapped back to reality. 

Want to cut the federal budget deficit?  Take down the Department of Homeland Security for starters.  It has done nothing to protect us but has done everything to destroy our freedoms we cherish.  Why do we need them in the first place?  Bush Jr. told us it would force the FBI, CIA, DEA, Customs, etc to co-operate and share intelligence.  Bush told us that this was what caused the attacks of 9-11 to succeed.  Bullshit.  As President all Bush had to do was FORCE the FBI and CIA to share intelligence or else fire their asses.  He is in charge of those departments as commander in chief after all.  If there really was a massive failure of our intelligence which even the 9-11 commission says is in doubt.  In reality the DHS has done nothing but cost the taxpayer trillions of dollars for nothing.  The CIA and FBI still don’t like to co-operate with each other and the reason we haven’t been attacked again has nothing to do with the DHS.

Want to cut some more?  BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!  Bring them back from Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and the 180 other countries we’re stationed in around the globe.  It’s time to let the world fend for itself; we can’t afford to be the world police.  It is bankrupting us financially and in terms of precious human lives, our troops!  It’s not just the thousands who have already died, it’s the thousands more whose lives have been changed forever by PTSD, loss of limbs, Gulf war syndrome and the list goes on.  Let them defend us here at our borders for starters.  The mass media doesn’t even come close to reporting on how bad the war with the Mexican drug cartels is getting down south.  Our citizens are being murdered, kidnapped and generally terrorized on US SOIL NO LESS!  Let’s focus on fixing our own problems here instead of trying to fix the world.  I love and respect our troops and I want to honor them by saying well done, time to come home. 
I’ll end this column by saying that enough is enough.  We are letting the terrorists win when we allow our precious freedoms and liberties to be taken away.  We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Let’s start acting like it and tell these bribe taking assholes in congress and the senate to take a hike!  We’ve had enough and we are sending you packing.  This land is by the people are for the people, not for would be kings and tyrants.  Isn’t that what our forefathers fought and died for in the first place, to free us from the tyranny of England?  Now we’re going to give that up because of a few Muslim terrorists hiding in caves in other countries?  I for one say no!  If we allow that to happen then the terrorists have already won.

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