Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Vatican Endorses World Bank

The Vatican endorses a world bank. Does this set the stage for the anti christ? Learn about this and more tonight on the Johnny Storm Show!


This will be short and sweet.  DO NOT USE FAT COW.COM!  They are a horrible hosting service and have terrible customer service.  My site is still not online due to their incompetence.  I have read numerous other complaints about their service from others who have used this service.  I have switched companies and now we'll see if they're any better.  So far their customer service has been excellent, so now we'll see.  I'll be working on it tonight and see if they can actually deliver.  Stay tuned for another website hosting review, good or bad.

Web Links to Alternative News Sites

Today I thought I'd write about some alternative news sites where you can get stories you won't see on the "mainstream" news.  It will also give you different perspectives on the stories that you do see.  Some of these sites I use for my radio program in order to get real news.  Anyway here are a few of my favorites.

There are more out there, but these are updated often and contain stories that you should read.  From there they can guide you to other sites that essentially do the same thing, publish stories you won't get in other places.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obama Wants to be King

Obama declares himself king, trying to bypass congress yet again, justice dept. trying to legalize lying, the second American Revolution and more on the Johnny Storm Show!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

History of the CIA and Mind Control

The CIA came into being in 1947 with the National Security Act.  Known as the OSS during WW2, it was decided to make them a separate more powerful agency to spy on our new cold war enemy, the former Soviet Union.  Most people know about that part of CIA history.  What most do not know is that the CIA smuggled former Nazi scientists into this country right after WW2.  The agency wanted to scoop them up before the Soviets could, although some ended up in Russia anyway.  What did the CIA want with these scientists?  Nazi secret weapons development for one and Nazi mind control experimental data for another.  This article will attempt to describe that dark history and the reasons behind them.  Make no mistake about it, the CIA is still using these techniques today and probably have made advancements in them.  It’s no secret that President Bush Jr. authorized torture of terror suspects when the “war on terror” began in 2001.  To think that the CIA has abandoned these techniques would be naïve at best.  It all began with Operation Paperclip at the end of WW2. 

Here is a description of Operation Paperclip from Wikipedia which sums it up pretty well.

Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45). It was conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning Soviet–American Cold War (1945–91); one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR[1] and the UK.[2]

Although the JIOA’s recruitment of German scientists began after the European Allied victory (8 May 1945), US President Harry Truman did not formally order the execution of Operation Paperclip until August 1945. Truman's order expressly excluded anyone found “to have been a member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism.” Said restrictions would have rendered ineligible most of the scientists the JIOA had identified for recruitment, among them rocket scientists Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, and the physician Hubertus Strughold, each earlier classified as a “menace to the security of the Allied Forces”.

To circumvent President Truman’s anti-Nazi order, and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the JIOA worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists' Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the US Government granted the scientists security clearance to work in the United States. Paperclip, the project’s operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new political personae to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.[3]

This is just a brief but accurate summary of what and why the CIA did what they did.  While it was completely understandable that we didn’t want German scientists to assist the Soviets, we were still harboring war criminals.  Yet the worst was yet to come.  Soon the CIA would begin a new operation called MK Ultra.  This program was and probably still is (although under a different name now) one of the most evil things our agency did/does.  In fact a recent appeals court ruling said that the CIA wouldn’t be held in contempt of court even though they had been ordered NOT to destroy over 90 video tapes of torture sessions conducted in Afghanistan and other places.  This ruling in effect puts the CIA above the law.  Have you ever wondered why other countries despise us so much?  Some if not all of it has to do with the shit the CIA is allowed to get away with.  If you think they commit crimes here at home, imagine what they get away with overseas.  In fact the CIA isn’t supposed to be allowed to operate within US borders, they are supposed to spy overseas only.  Yet more news of them spying on American citizens comes out every day.  The CIA is covering up their mind control experiments once again by destroying the evidence.  Water boarding, sensory deprivation, isolation are just a few of the techniques used.  Yet almost 100% of professional interrogators state that torture doesn’t work.  All you get are false confessions.  Torture someone long enough and they will say and do anything to make it stop.  Everyone has a breaking point.  MK Ultra started shortly after the Nazi scientists came into this country.  The Nazis had used these mind control techniques in their concentration camps, experimenting on the Jews they were exterminating anyway.  Here is a brief look at the program from Wikipedia.

Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.[1][2][3][4]

The published evidence indicates that Project MKULTRA involved the use of many methodologies to manipulate individual mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs and other chemicals, hypnosis,[5] sensory deprivation, isolation, and verbal and sexual abuse.

Project MKULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKULTRA files destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms' destruction order.[6]

In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents[7] relating to project MKULTRA, which led to Senate hearings later that same year.[2] In recent times most information regarding MKULTRA has been officially declassified.

Although the CIA insists that MKULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued. In a 1977 interview, Marchetti specifically called the CIA claim that MKULTRA was abandoned a "cover story."[8][9]

Sound familiar?  Remember the Abu Ghraib Iraqi prison scandal that broke back in 2005?  There were pictures of our troops and CIA interrogators torturing Iraqi prisoners and those pictures weren’t even the worst of them.  Senators have gone on record stating that many are far too graphic and disgusting to EVER be released to the American public.  I for one wish they would release them.  Maybe that would wake people up to what’s being done in our name overseas.  It’s not just illegal but immoral.  Even Toronto Canada is considering putting out arrest warrants for Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush Jr. for war crimes.  In fact Rumsfeld does have an arrest warrant out for him in Boston MA!  He had to make a detour on his recent book tour.  Those three men are some of the most evil the world has ever seen and need to be held accountable for their crimes.  Google Rumsfeld torture memos and you’ll see his signature and notes on them saying things like “they are only forced to stand for 8 hours?  I’m on my feet 12 hours a day.”  This was in regard to chaining someone’s wrists to the ceiling with only the toes touching the ground. 

I love my country but I can’t stand what my government has become.  Now there are those in DC who want to start bombing Iran.  If $10.00 or more for a gallon of gas is ok with you and possibly WW3 then go ahead and bomb Iran.  Thankfully those who want this new war with Iran are being fiercely resisted by Generals in the military.  They know what a war in Iran could cost this country in terms of life and of course the collapse of our economy.  Let’s all pray that the order is not given. 

In summary the CIA and all levels of our government need to be held accountable to the laws of this land just like the rest of us.  Yet time and again they’re allowed to get away with it which just encourages more of the same.  We will NEVER be respected around the world when we can’t even control our own agencies and have pre-emptive war as our foreign policy.  Now Obama has us in Uganda Africa.  WTF?  Now we have a new command called AFRICACOM.  We are once again putting our noses in other people’s business and it will cost us blood and more money.  It’s time for this to stop but until we demand our lawmakers hold these rogue government officials accountable the wars and torture will continue.  Remember you are the resistance!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Conspiracy FACTS, no Theories Here!

Conspiracy theories aren’t always theories.  Some of them are actually facts and this article will prove one of them.  One I find very interesting is the attempted assassination of FDR in the 1930’s.  One reason I find it very interesting is the fact that it wasn’t in any history books I read in school.  I find this puzzling since there were congressional hearings with testimony given by an American war hero whose name is Major General Smedley D. Butler. 
General Butler was the author of a book titled “War is a Racket” in which he spelled out how wars were nothing more than profit making enterprises by the super rich who funded both sides.  They made their fortunes off of both sides by borrowing them the money needed for war and of course charging them interest.  Here is a key summary of the book written by the General himself.
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
So who was General Smedley D. Butler?   That’s a good question since I didn’t know until I was referred to his book a friend of mine.  He was the most highly decorated soldier in Marine Corp history.  Here is an excerpt on his biography from Wikipedia.
During his 34-year career as a Marine, he participated in military actions in the Philippines, China, in Central America and the Caribbean during the Banana Wars, and France in World War I. By the end of his career, he had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to twice receive the Medal of Honor, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only man to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.
So as you can see General Butler would be more than a credible witness.  The heads of the Federal Reserve Bank were threatened by FDR as President due to the fact that he was not their puppet, yet he was elected by a landslide in 1932.  The American people had spoken and the Federal Reserve, who had engineered the Great Depression, was in trouble.  If FDR ended their charter and gave congress their power back to coin money, they were finished.  Plus the bankers liked what Mouslalini and Hitler were doing in Europe.  They were the banker’s lackeys and of course the bankers could have complete power under fascism or a dictatorship, especially with agreeable dictators to do their bidding. 
Rather than typing out the entire conspiracy here I will provide you a good link to look at describing in detail what really happened.
As you can see there was a conspiracy to assassinate FDR.  One attempt failed and General Butler told his story to congress thereby crushing any further attempts on FDR’s life.  The corrupt bankers hadn’t counted on General Butler obeying his oath to the constitution and defending it against enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC! 
This is what we’re facing again today.  We have a Federal Reserve engineered depression in our country yet again, this time using the real estate market bubble to destroy it.  The bankers have their boy Obama in office whom they control lock stock and barrel.  They also have all of congress and the senate in their pockets as well with no one running (except Ron Paul) that they can’t corrupt.  Look at the Republican field of candidates.   There isn’t one except Ron Paul who we can really trust to stick to his guns.  That’s why the main stream press is trying so hard to marginalize him and push him into the corner to give the illusion he can’t win.  If Ron Paul were given fair and equal press coverage, there would be no doubt that he would probably win the nomination by a landslide.  The American people are ready for his message and his medicine.  Yes I’m a Ron Paul supporter even if I don’t agree with everything he stands for. 
If Ron Paul were elected however I’m afraid we’d have another assassination attempt on him probably before he even took office.  This is the sad state of affairs in our country right now.  This is why many Americans feel apathetic when it comes to elections and politics.  I was with them until about 10 years ago when I started finding alternative news sites online and overseas.  Once I stopped relying on the propaganda being pumped out by Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the major networks my eyes were opened.  That’s how I found out about General Butler and his excellent book “War is a Racket”. 
If there’s one thing that history has proven true about the American people is the fact we can be pushed around.  We can be pushed around to a point, and then when we finally awaken we take action!  I’m NOT advocating violence of any kind, let’s be clear on that.  What I am advocating is change, REAL change which starts at the ballot box.  If that doesn’t work then we need to take to the streets in MASSIVE protests around the country.  We need to keep them peaceful however so no one in power can say we’re anarchists, terrorists, etc.  But if we ALL march, not go into work and essentially shut the country down they will have to pay attention to us.  No shots have to be fired we just have to be of one mind and one body.  We just need to show them that our eyes are open and take our country back! 
Hopefully our current military leaders will grow a spine and keep us out of more senseless wars and prevent any coups from occurring.  If necessary the military may have to take temporary control until new elections can be held.  I hope it never comes to that, but General Butler set the example our current military needs to follow.  God bless America, you are the resistance!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Love Your Country, Keep an Eye on your Government

I love this country, especially my home state of North Dakota.  I also love the mountains of Montana and plan on retiring there someday.  Even though we have some major problems facing us as a country, this is still one of the best places to be on earth.  I am proud to say I served my country for five years and wouldn’t trade that for anything.  We have been a blessed people and our country has prospered since declaring our independence over 200 years ago. 
That’s one reason I do what I do in my writing and soon my broadcasting.  I want to help make people aware of what’s going on in our country so we can do something about it before it’s too late.  I don’t like being negative or too critical, but if we don’t exercise our free speech to speak out against things that are just plain wrong or immoral we may eventually lose that right.   Some may say that I have a need to satisfy my ego and that’s why I write and broadcast.  That’s not true.  I have always wanted to be a news reporter/announcer of some kind since I was a kid.  I got sidetracked by falling in love and having children right away, but now that they’re grown I can move forward with fulfilling my dreams. 
Keep in mind that I am a commentator, not a news reporter so while my writing will report on news, you’re also going to get my conservative views on the subject.  What are my views?  Some people ask me if I’m a republican or democrat as I’m very conservative financially (less govt. regulation, low taxes, free markets, etc) and yet considered liberal on social policies like legalizing marijuana.  Well I’m not running for any office so I don’t really need to explain myself, but since I am on the public airwaves I’ll tell you. 
Our country has been heading down a destructive path economically since 1913.  That’s when the Federal Reserve Bank was created.  This is a private conglomeration of international banks and it’s a PRIVATE bank, not part of the government as some people still believe.  It took the power to coin money away from congress and the people and gave it to this den of thieves.  Now the Fed prints the money, loans it back to the government and then charges us interest on it.  Great scam huh?  If any of us did this we’d be tossed in the slammer for counterfeiting.  The Fed has far too much power and no oversight and that is always dangerous.  But I won’t get into all of that here.  Just Google the Federal Reserve and you’ll find TONS of material to help educate you on why it’s so bad. 
Next is our foreign policy.  One could argue that our foreign policy has been messed up since the Korean War, but let’s just focus on the past 10 years.  Ever since the tragedy of 9-11 we’ve been in a state of pre-emptive war.  Going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan was fine, but we should have left once that job was done.  I still believe Bin Laden has been dead since December 01, but they needed to keep him alive in order to justify staying over there.  I won’t get into all the criminal reasons we’re still there in this column, but essentially we should have pulled out a long time ago.  Then Bush Jr. put on a big dog and pony show about Saddam still having WMD’s in Iraq.  This is a war that should have never been fought.  Saddam and Bin Laden were not tied together (in fact they hated each other) and just like most UN inspectors and most of our CIA thought, the WMD’s were long gone.  We had Saddam in a box.  He wasn’t a threat to anyone.  Was he a brutal dictator?  Yes but in some ways he had to be or Iraq could have collapsed into a perpetual state of civil war.  But we went in and now we have had thousands of our troops killed and wounded, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed and wounded and have wasted trillions of dollars in another attempt at nation building.  This war was fought for all the wrong reasons and violated international laws. 
Then we have the torture and imprisonment at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo and many other “black” locations around the world.  Those people are held without bail, no attorneys and aren’t allowed to rebuke the charges against them.  Some have died due to our torturing and yet it continues to this day.  This isn’t just about the Geneva Convention it’s about human rights and decency.  We have sunk down to the level of our enemies and torture almost NEVER gets true confessions.  Hundreds of experts have come forward to state the obvious, that a person will tell you ANYTHING you want to hear if you torture him/her enough.  You might get some actionable intelligence, but for the most part they are telling you what you want to hear in order to stop the torture.  I don’t condone torture under ANY circumstance.  It’s wrong and places us in a bad light on the world stage.  How can we stand up for human rights abuses elsewhere when we’re no better than the rest?  Now we even have secret Whitehouse kill lists for AMERICAN citizens.  This is very dangerous territory but I’ll cover that in a different article. 
In conclusion, what we as a people need to do is tell DC in one collective voice ENOUGH!  No more wars for oil and poppy fields, no new wars in Iran or elsewhere and let’s focus instead on fixing the issues in our backyard.  I know some of you will say “better to fight over there than over here”.  That’s true to a point, but we wouldn’t have to be fighting so much if we’d just leave other countries affairs alone.  Bin Laden and Saddam are dead and Iran is NOT a direct threat to us.  If we attack them or allow Israel to attack them we could be looking at WW3.  We also need to prosecute those who have devastated our economy through fraud and manipulation.  Bernie Madoff was just a fall guy for those around and above him who knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it.  More of those folks need to go to jail.  Plus let’s get rid of the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security.  They have become monsters and don’t do much to protect us.  TSA fails their security tests constantly and I’m tired of watching them grope innocent Americans.  The DHS has become a monstrosity of bureaucracy that does nothing but argue with one another.  The CIA, FBI and DEA still don’t like sharing sources and that was the whole point.  One last thing; let’s repeal the Patriot Act.  It gives the federal government far too much power and violates our rights to privacy (the 4th amendment) everyday.  Our forefathers created checks and balances in our constitution for good reasons, to prevent the federal government from being all powerful.  Let people live their lives and unless you can PROVE wrongdoing in a court of law, LEAVE US ALONE!  

This is a great country and can be even better if we just get back to our roots and live and let live.  Thanks for reading and God bless!  Remember YOU are the resistance!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

You Know We're in Trouble When

You know we’re in trouble when a NYC Russian cab driver, who legally emigrated here 25 years ago, says the tyranny he escaped from in the former USSR is happening here and now in the USA.  What’s worse he said is the fact that the mass media keeps telling us we’re free while at the same time another street spy camera gets turned on and another innocent American's email gets read.  Of course that’s for our own safety right?  I mean gosh, if you’ve got nothing to hide then why be worried right?  When the Department of Homeland Security tells us in Public Service Announcements to spy on our neighbors, that’s just being a good American right?  WRONG!  That’s not the America I was raised in back in the mid 70’s, but that was before the FBI had Echelon  (super computers secretly recording everything we say and do on cell phones and emails) and before the CIA had “minders” stationed at every major news outlet in the country.  They tell the talking heads like Bill O'Reilly and others what their topics will be and what they won’t be.  Good Lord what has happened to my country, the land of the free and the home of the brave?  What’s happened to the country I served for 5 years in the US Air Force?  It’s quickly disappearing before our eyes.  Our constitution is being shredded at every opportunity, especially after 9-11-2001 when the Patriot Act was forced upon us.  Have you ever read what that bill actually says?  Not many have and even I have to admit I’ve only read parts of it.  Those small parts are scary enough, yet in October 2001 it was shoved through congress and the senate after the bogus anthrax attacks occurred a month after 9-11.  We needed protection even if it meant sacrificing the 4th amendment regarding unwarranted searches and seizures.  Just trade a little freedom away and big brother government will keep the boogey men from attacking us again.  What a joke and what a mess we’re in now.

The war on terror was a joke to begin with and is even more laughable now.  The chances of us actually being killed in a terror attack are about the same as being struck by lightning.  In fact the lightning stands a better chance than the terrorist.  My point is that this Russian cab driver is right, we are turning more and more into a socialist/communist state every day.  Remember when it was the “evil empire” the former Soviet Union who was attacking other countries like Afghanistan to install communist friendly governments?  Now what are we doing?  The same thing, that’s what.   We armed and trained thousands of Muslim jihadists to fight the “evil Soviet empire” which in turn created the Taliban and Al Qaida, the same folks we’re fighting now.  Now that those wars are winding down the US government is saying that the new threat is the white middle class American.  You know him or her; they live down the street from you in Suburbia.  Oh they may look normal, but big sis is telling you that you need to keep an eye on them because they just lost their jobs and maybe their home and are looking to get even with the honest bankers who caused it all.  WTF?  This is the new America folks.  The more power the Federal government gets the more they want to take.   The worst part of the whole thing is we’re letting them do it piece by piece.  Well some of us are waking up.  In fact a lot of us are waking up and starting to tell Washington DC ENOUGH ALREADY!  The internet revolution has begun and we’re not giving them another inch let alone a mile. 

Of course there will be many of you reading this article who say “oh Johnny you can’t say that or they’ll be coming for you next” and you will cower under your desks.  You’ll be afraid to say what’s really on your mind just as the Russian NYC cab driver was before he escaped the former Soviet Union and the KGB.  Really?  What happened to the 1st Amendment covering free speech?  I’m NOT saying we need to overthrow the current government by force, that won’t work.  In fact that would just serve their purpose so then they’d have an excuse to impose martial law.  What I am saying is that we need to stand up for ourselves and not be bullied by these assholes any longer.  We need to do that by voting them all out, ALL OF THEM!  We need to start listening to candidates like Ron Paul who warned us back in 2002 that the Federal Reserve’s policies of easy credit would lead to a housing bubble which burst in 2007.  It was also Ron Paul (and the CIA )who said there was NO EVIDENCE that Sadaam Hussein had WMD’s in 2003 and NO connection to Bin Laden (they actually hated each other) yet we went to war anyway.  We need a political and foreign policy revolution in this country in order to bring us back from the brink of tyranny.  I’m not going to devote this article exclusively to Ron Paul’s campaign, but rather to his ideas of LIMITED Federal government which is why we have a constitution in the first place!  The Feds have OVERSTEPPED their bounds and need to be snapped back to reality. 

Want to cut the federal budget deficit?  Take down the Department of Homeland Security for starters.  It has done nothing to protect us but has done everything to destroy our freedoms we cherish.  Why do we need them in the first place?  Bush Jr. told us it would force the FBI, CIA, DEA, Customs, etc to co-operate and share intelligence.  Bush told us that this was what caused the attacks of 9-11 to succeed.  Bullshit.  As President all Bush had to do was FORCE the FBI and CIA to share intelligence or else fire their asses.  He is in charge of those departments as commander in chief after all.  If there really was a massive failure of our intelligence which even the 9-11 commission says is in doubt.  In reality the DHS has done nothing but cost the taxpayer trillions of dollars for nothing.  The CIA and FBI still don’t like to co-operate with each other and the reason we haven’t been attacked again has nothing to do with the DHS.

Want to cut some more?  BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW!  Bring them back from Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and the 180 other countries we’re stationed in around the globe.  It’s time to let the world fend for itself; we can’t afford to be the world police.  It is bankrupting us financially and in terms of precious human lives, our troops!  It’s not just the thousands who have already died, it’s the thousands more whose lives have been changed forever by PTSD, loss of limbs, Gulf war syndrome and the list goes on.  Let them defend us here at our borders for starters.  The mass media doesn’t even come close to reporting on how bad the war with the Mexican drug cartels is getting down south.  Our citizens are being murdered, kidnapped and generally terrorized on US SOIL NO LESS!  Let’s focus on fixing our own problems here instead of trying to fix the world.  I love and respect our troops and I want to honor them by saying well done, time to come home. 
I’ll end this column by saying that enough is enough.  We are letting the terrorists win when we allow our precious freedoms and liberties to be taken away.  We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Let’s start acting like it and tell these bribe taking assholes in congress and the senate to take a hike!  We’ve had enough and we are sending you packing.  This land is by the people are for the people, not for would be kings and tyrants.  Isn’t that what our forefathers fought and died for in the first place, to free us from the tyranny of England?  Now we’re going to give that up because of a few Muslim terrorists hiding in caves in other countries?  I for one say no!  If we allow that to happen then the terrorists have already won.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Revolution is Coming

"A revolution is coming-a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough-but a revolution is coming whether we will it or not.  We can affect it's character; we cannot alter it's inevitability."  Robert Kennedy from a speech in the US Senate, May 9th, 1966.

True words were spoken by Robert Kennedy that day and I feel they apply even more today.  Two years after he spoke those words, Robert Kennedy was killed at the Ambassador Hotel in LA while campaigning for President.

The USA is at a crossroads in time and events.  The question is which road will we take?  The upcoming 2012 elections could be the most important in our 234 year history.  They will make us or break us.  There is no more time to maintain the "status quo."  We need ACTION not more smoke and mirrors politicians promising "change" and delivering policies that are worse than the previous administrations.

Recently I bought a Kindle and rediscovered a book series called "Out of the Ashes" by William W. Johnstone.  The series covers what the world would look like after WW3.  The main character is a former special ops soldier turned novel writer.  In the series he leads a group of like minded people and forms his own country within the ruins of the USA.  They adopt their own constitution (very similar to ours) and start to prosper.  In one of the books the author shares his personal feelings and beliefs in the forward.  I found myself agreeing with most of what he said about our govt. and where we were/are headed.  Keep in mind that this book was written in 1998 but it addresses the very issues we face today!  I will copy his note here so you can make up your own mind.

"This book is about an alternate form of government that has become known as the tri-states way.  The concept came from a novel of mine published back in 1983 called "Out of the Ashes".  That novel gave birth to one of the longest-running and most controversial political/action series in publishing history:  The Ashes Series.  The Ashes series grows in popularity with each book as readers begin to see that this form of government is a workable system, a system based on common sense as on written law.  Many believe, as do I, that America has become so diverse, so splintered in it's thinking, that the country will break apart and become 3 or 4 separate nations within a nation, working together in areas of trade while each maintains its Independence and its own system of government and laws.  One of those nations will adopt the tri-states form of rule.

Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in the United States, would welcome the chance to try it now, for they are as disgusted with this nation's drift away from the original meaning of the constitution as I am.  This book will explain how the tri-states, or the SUSA, the Southern United States of America, as it is now called in the Ashes books, came to be and the bending and shaping and refining it has undergone over the years. 

Whatever reaction FROM THE ASHES: AMERICA REBORN will evoke (and it will evoke many emotions within the reader), it will persuade that reader to give serious thought to how this nation has turned its back and walked away from the desires and wishes of decent, law abiding American citizens. "William W Johnstone"

To really understand how it works, you should read the book listed above.  But the bottom line is this;  its all based on common sense.  For example if someone breaks into your house and you shoot them the criminal goes to jail, not the homeowner.  Taxes are a flat 20% no matter what you make.  No deductions or loopholes, just 20%.  The tax form is one page, not 50 plus like we see today.  Littering gets you a 500.00 fine, a second offense is 500.00 plus 1000 hours community service.  The laws are written in plain English.  You don't need a lawyer to understand them.  Plus all new laws are voted on by the people, not rammed down our throats by career politicians.  In order for a law to take affect, the majority needs to be 75%, not 51-49.

Sounds good to me.  Are you in?

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Hate to Say it But

I told you so.  People told me I was nuts 18 months ago when I told them gold would hit close to $2000 an ounce.  I also said that we would see silver at $50.00 or more by the end of 2011.  These are just two examples of where we’re headed in the next year.  Yet most people pooh pooh these predictions and tell me “oh we’ll be fine, we’ll pull out of it and be back to normal just like before.”  No we won’t.  Things in this country will continue to get worse until the economy collapses and America is officially bankrupt.  We are bankrupt already but they keep putting band aids on it to slow the bleeding, such as raising the debt ceiling.  Make no mistake; we are headed for a big crash.  The writing is on the wall. 

Why do you think Rick Perry is starting to sound more like Ron Paul?  Even Newt Gingrich is saying we should fully audit the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATE bank that charges us interest on OUR money).  These are things Ron Paul has been saying all along.  Now he has the establishment scared because Ron Paul will DO what he says.  The others are just telling you what you want to hear.  They will never follow through on their promises.  They are just like Obama, say one thing until you’re elected then do another.

Here is what other experts like Gerald Celente are predicting for next year.  Runaway inflation, especially on food, riots in the big cities due to food prices and the cutting on welfare and Obama declaring martial law and suspending the constitution because of these riots.  That’s the only way he can stay in power and he will use it.  Obama will suspend the 2012 elections until things settle down “for the good of the country” of course. 

My advice is to stock up on water, toilet paper, soap, fuel, dehydrated spoil proof foods and other things you will need.  Big Brother government won’t be there to help as they will be too busy violently putting down rioters and protesters in the cities.  Also GET OUT of the stock market.  Invest in silver or Gold as they hold value even when inflation goes crazy.  Finally if you’ve been thinking about buying a gun for personal protection, DO IT NOW!  Obama has been busy signing executive orders to restrict gun sales already (doing an end run around the constitution) and he will ban them if he enacts martial law.  Stock up on ammo too as they are trying to tax it to the point where we can’t afford it.

I really hope the experts I subscribe to are wrong.  I hope we can get someone like Ron Paul elected to pull us out of this mess.  But if the worst happens I want to be prepared.  I hope this time someone can tell me I was wrong.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will they ever Stop?

Will They Ever Stop?

Will they ever stop whining?  The bleeding heart liberals are at it again, this time in Michigan.  The whiney bastards are complaining because 30,000 college students got pulled off the food stamp rolls this week.  The exceptions to the rule were single moms who juggle work, raising kids and school.  The rest were told to GET A JOB!  Unless they work at least 20 hours per week they get no aid from the state.  This is going to save Michigan 75 million this year alone!  The Federal government needs to look long and hard at this.  If we just cut out the fraud and waste from the government we could save billions if not a trillion dollars!  Of course this means one must use common sense.  Common sense is not something you learn in school, it’s something you actually have to USE once in awhile.  Here is a link to the story here:

I have no qualms about someone getting assistance IF it’s really needed.  What Michigan did was cut of those who instead of buying groceries with their money were buying kegs for the next frat party.  Why spend money on food if you can get the government to pay for your hot pockets?  People who work and are trying yet still fall short should get some help.  But if you read into the article, you’ll find one guy who was receiving assistance and had won 2 million in the state lottery the year before!  It’s that type of abuse state and federal governments need to cut off and cut out, just like a tumor. 

What this country needs are more common sense approaches to government and budgets like this one.  Unfortunately those in DC are very short on common sense and probably always will be.  One can only hope………..

Monday, August 8, 2011

How's that "Change we can Believe In" working for ya?

Change we can believe in.  What a joke.  Yet the American Sheeple fell for it hook, line and sinker.  I remember all of the crying, wailing and drama the night Comrade Obama was elected.  Finally a black man in the white house.  Finally justice for all the oppressed minorities.  Finally justice for all those years of slavery the black man suffered under.  Yes comrade, America would finally have change.  Obama was going to fix everything from health care, climate change, the economy and he would finally take the guns away from those crazy hunters in the Midwest.  Those people as he said "cling to their guns and bibles". 

Here we are in August 2011.  What's changed?  Well we just had our credit downgraded from AAA to AA, in spite of Obama and his cronies saying it would never happen.  We just needed to raise the debt ceiling and everything would be fine.  If you believed that then I have some oceanfront property to sell you in Williston ND.  What else has changed?  The ATF is illegally running guns into Mexico and Honduras in an attempt to take away our 2nd amendment rights.  You see the program "fast and furious" wasn't designed to stop guns or trace guns flowing into drug cartel hands.  It was designed so that Obama and the ATF could take our guns away by saying that our 2nd amendment was the reason that the cartels in Mexico are killing people.  Without the easy access to guns in our sporting goods stores, those bad people in the multi billion dollar drug cartels wouldn't be able to get guns.  It takes a serious moron to believe that one.  The gun shop owners were SCREAMING to high heaven that these gun buyers were illegal only to have the ATF tell them to let the guns walk.  The gun shops were TRYING TO OBEY THE LAW, only to have the law enforcers tell them to break the law.  A multi billion dollar organization doesn't need our gun shops to purchase guns.  They get the ILLEGAL FULLY AUTOMATIC ONES on the black market.  They can buy them in bulk for about 50.00 per gun overseas vs paying 399.00 for a legal SEMI automatic gun in a shop.  What a joke.  We don't need more gun controls, we just need a President who believes in enforcing the laws we have, not break them. 

The lists of "change" continue with new carbon taxes, a new rural council (have fun with that one rural America, Obama and his goons will be visiting you soon.  They will be telling you how to run your farms, gardens and businesses.)  All of this adds up to one thing.  Obama is and always has been a socialist/borderline communist.  He and his goons want total control of every aspect of our lives.  Some are predicting that when our economy completely collapses within the next year, Obama will declare martial law and suspend the constitution.  I think that's precisely what will happen and we will be forced to fend for ourselves.  The government is broke (primarily due to our wars overseas) and won't be able to help any of us.  They will however use the military to crush the rioting in the big cities.  Its going to look like communist China and other third world countries.  As for me and mine, we are stocking up on the essentials, enough to last a year without anyone's help.  We will of course have to defend our supplies which we will. 

 Oh, by the way what happened to Obama's promises to end the wars overseas?  He's increased the amount of troops in Afghanistan (it wont help) and has already stated we're in Iraq for good.  The troops I have talked to say that we have NO NEED to be there any longer, in either country.  Any good we've done has been done.  Its time for our brave men and women to come home.  I am one of them having served myself for 5 years. 

So for all of you who voted for comrade Obama, how's that change working for ya?