Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Revolution is Coming

"A revolution is coming-a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough-but a revolution is coming whether we will it or not.  We can affect it's character; we cannot alter it's inevitability."  Robert Kennedy from a speech in the US Senate, May 9th, 1966.

True words were spoken by Robert Kennedy that day and I feel they apply even more today.  Two years after he spoke those words, Robert Kennedy was killed at the Ambassador Hotel in LA while campaigning for President.

The USA is at a crossroads in time and events.  The question is which road will we take?  The upcoming 2012 elections could be the most important in our 234 year history.  They will make us or break us.  There is no more time to maintain the "status quo."  We need ACTION not more smoke and mirrors politicians promising "change" and delivering policies that are worse than the previous administrations.

Recently I bought a Kindle and rediscovered a book series called "Out of the Ashes" by William W. Johnstone.  The series covers what the world would look like after WW3.  The main character is a former special ops soldier turned novel writer.  In the series he leads a group of like minded people and forms his own country within the ruins of the USA.  They adopt their own constitution (very similar to ours) and start to prosper.  In one of the books the author shares his personal feelings and beliefs in the forward.  I found myself agreeing with most of what he said about our govt. and where we were/are headed.  Keep in mind that this book was written in 1998 but it addresses the very issues we face today!  I will copy his note here so you can make up your own mind.

"This book is about an alternate form of government that has become known as the tri-states way.  The concept came from a novel of mine published back in 1983 called "Out of the Ashes".  That novel gave birth to one of the longest-running and most controversial political/action series in publishing history:  The Ashes Series.  The Ashes series grows in popularity with each book as readers begin to see that this form of government is a workable system, a system based on common sense as on written law.  Many believe, as do I, that America has become so diverse, so splintered in it's thinking, that the country will break apart and become 3 or 4 separate nations within a nation, working together in areas of trade while each maintains its Independence and its own system of government and laws.  One of those nations will adopt the tri-states form of rule.

Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in the United States, would welcome the chance to try it now, for they are as disgusted with this nation's drift away from the original meaning of the constitution as I am.  This book will explain how the tri-states, or the SUSA, the Southern United States of America, as it is now called in the Ashes books, came to be and the bending and shaping and refining it has undergone over the years. 

Whatever reaction FROM THE ASHES: AMERICA REBORN will evoke (and it will evoke many emotions within the reader), it will persuade that reader to give serious thought to how this nation has turned its back and walked away from the desires and wishes of decent, law abiding American citizens. "William W Johnstone"

To really understand how it works, you should read the book listed above.  But the bottom line is this;  its all based on common sense.  For example if someone breaks into your house and you shoot them the criminal goes to jail, not the homeowner.  Taxes are a flat 20% no matter what you make.  No deductions or loopholes, just 20%.  The tax form is one page, not 50 plus like we see today.  Littering gets you a 500.00 fine, a second offense is 500.00 plus 1000 hours community service.  The laws are written in plain English.  You don't need a lawyer to understand them.  Plus all new laws are voted on by the people, not rammed down our throats by career politicians.  In order for a law to take affect, the majority needs to be 75%, not 51-49.

Sounds good to me.  Are you in?

Friday, September 2, 2011

I Hate to Say it But

I told you so.  People told me I was nuts 18 months ago when I told them gold would hit close to $2000 an ounce.  I also said that we would see silver at $50.00 or more by the end of 2011.  These are just two examples of where we’re headed in the next year.  Yet most people pooh pooh these predictions and tell me “oh we’ll be fine, we’ll pull out of it and be back to normal just like before.”  No we won’t.  Things in this country will continue to get worse until the economy collapses and America is officially bankrupt.  We are bankrupt already but they keep putting band aids on it to slow the bleeding, such as raising the debt ceiling.  Make no mistake; we are headed for a big crash.  The writing is on the wall. 

Why do you think Rick Perry is starting to sound more like Ron Paul?  Even Newt Gingrich is saying we should fully audit the Federal Reserve (a PRIVATE bank that charges us interest on OUR money).  These are things Ron Paul has been saying all along.  Now he has the establishment scared because Ron Paul will DO what he says.  The others are just telling you what you want to hear.  They will never follow through on their promises.  They are just like Obama, say one thing until you’re elected then do another.

Here is what other experts like Gerald Celente are predicting for next year.  Runaway inflation, especially on food, riots in the big cities due to food prices and the cutting on welfare and Obama declaring martial law and suspending the constitution because of these riots.  That’s the only way he can stay in power and he will use it.  Obama will suspend the 2012 elections until things settle down “for the good of the country” of course. 

My advice is to stock up on water, toilet paper, soap, fuel, dehydrated spoil proof foods and other things you will need.  Big Brother government won’t be there to help as they will be too busy violently putting down rioters and protesters in the cities.  Also GET OUT of the stock market.  Invest in silver or Gold as they hold value even when inflation goes crazy.  Finally if you’ve been thinking about buying a gun for personal protection, DO IT NOW!  Obama has been busy signing executive orders to restrict gun sales already (doing an end run around the constitution) and he will ban them if he enacts martial law.  Stock up on ammo too as they are trying to tax it to the point where we can’t afford it.

I really hope the experts I subscribe to are wrong.  I hope we can get someone like Ron Paul elected to pull us out of this mess.  But if the worst happens I want to be prepared.  I hope this time someone can tell me I was wrong.